What laptops, chargers, and more equipment or stress busting stuff can I borrow from the Thurgood Marshall Law Library?


Stop by the User Services Desk at the main entrance of the Thurgood Marshall Law Library to borrow our wide selection of technology and equipment, including laptops, chargers, ethernet cables, keyboards, umbrellas and more.

Students can even borrow games and other stress busters for mental health breaks at the User Services Desk! 

Seat cushions kept in bins located throughout the library are available to borrow in the building and should be returned to a bin after use.

Some items are restricted to members of the UM Carey Law community. For lists of the cool stuff you can borrow, see our Guide to Laptops and Equipment and our blog post on stress busters you can borrow for mental health breaks.

  • Last Updated Oct 03, 2022
  • Views 23
  • Answered By Jenny Rensler

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