How can I access the Washington Post at the Thurgood Marshall Law Library?


The Maryland Carey Law community has access to full-text coverage of the Washington Post via Westlaw,, and ProQuest.

The Washington Post is available via 3 ProQuest Databases which can be found in the A-Z Databases list on the Law Library's homepage with your UMID and password:

  • The Maryland Carey Law community has access to Washington Post (ProQuest Recent Newspapers) from 2008 - recent (except for a 3-month embargo). Access full-page PDF images of the digitized Washington Post newspaper. Researchers have cover-to-cover access of newspaper content. Every page is full-text searchable.
  • ProQuest also provides the Washington Post in plain text format from 1987 to current. Each issue is indexed thoroughly, so researchers have access to top news stories and the various sections of the newspaper. The indexing covers complete bibliographic information, companies, people, products, and more. 
  • Maryland Carey Law community also has access to Washington Post (1877 - 2004) (Historical Newspapers), which provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.
  • Last Updated Oct 21, 2024
  • Views 229
  • Answered By Jenny Rensler

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