Where can I find ebooks available at the Law Library?
The Law Library provides remote access to many electronic books (eBooks) from our catalog, available on our homepage. Refine the results of a search in the catalog on your subject by narrowing results by the Resource Type "Books" in the left-side navigation bar. For example, a search on Clean Water Act environmental law in the Law Library Catalog limited by Books returned over 100 results.
EBSCO's Comprehensive eBook Collection provides access to over 200,000 multidisciplinary eBooks representing a range of academic subjects which can be found in our catalog.
Additional eBooks can be found in Lexis, Westlaw, ProQuest Ebook Central, Early English Books Online (ProQuest), Women and the Law (Peggy) (HeinOnline) , as well as other databases found in our A-Z Databases list on our homepage that are not available through our catalog. Ebooks (OCLC FirstSearch) provides a Catalog of ebooks held by OCLC member libraries. You can also find previews of eBooks on Google Books and free ebooks in the Publicly Available Content Database.